Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Good Monday!

I have had people ask me how they can help me in growing my new business. That is simple . . . just share my information with all of your friends. Personal testimony is the greatest compliment and advertising any business can have.

I have to tell you about how awesome personal testimony and networking is. My client and friend, Sharon May, owns one of Columbia's premier restaurants, Hennessey's, on downtown Main Street. Sharon has made a commitment to helping me spread the word. She shares the good news about m.d. Skin with just about everyone she sees - and she comes in contact with A LOT of people. Of course, I tell everyone that if you want an amazing meal in Columbia, Hennessey's can't be beat - AND, Hennessey's has the absolute best crab cake ANYWHERE! Thanks to Sharon, I think I have added about 30 new contacts to my m.d. Skin FB fan page just in the last few days alone. Thank you so, so, so much, Sharon.

In addition to that, I have joined a wonderful women's business group. Women's b2 women's b is just a terrific way to get the word out of what your business has to offer. I have attended this group's meeting just 2 times (remember I just joined) and have added 5 new clients. Now I ask those 5 new clients to share personal testimony with just 3 others. I think that's reasonable, don't you. Everyone can tell just 3 people, right? See where this is going? 5 x 3 = 15 potential new clients.

So . . . I am encouraged. Very encouraged. Thank you to all that have supported me and continue to tell others. My goal is to get so busy have to bring in another wonderful Aesthetician.

Right now I am looking for a licensed massage therapist to join me. Wouldn't that be great? Facialist AND Massage . . . together. We will have complete spa services then. If anyone knows a good massage therapist that would like to have their own business, please refer them to me. I would so appreciate it. If this is the way "I should go" then the right individual will come along. When the time is right to add this service it will happen.

I have BIG visions for m.d. Skin LLC. I hope you'll come along with me as I grow.

My Mother is having major back surgery today in Dallas. I am distressed that I can't be there. Thankfully, my wonderful, amazing, awesome, great, and angelic sister (in-law, but 3who cares!) will be there in my place. She isn't scheduled till 1:30 (2:30 our time). That's a long time to wait . . . and will take 3-4 hours! Please say a prayer if you can. I know she'll be just fine. She has been in a lot of pain for quite sometime and this should fix her right up!


As I previously said, I'm committed to getting rid of about 20 pounds. The Tri-City Leisure Center is calling my name right now. I am going to call my workout buddy and get her moving. "Sallll-leeee!" We gotta go pump some fat . . . I mean iron! Lift some weight . . . I mean weights! You get the picture. This will be my 3rd time going. I know that doesn't sound like anything, but to me it's a big deal. Cause I HATE SWEAT! Really! It's 140 degrees outside and I'm going to a gym to sweat some more! Call me crazy!!!! And some people actually enjoy this? Who's crazy?

Well, it's early Monday and so far . . . this is just another day in my life!

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