Latest news, offers, healthy living tips and so much more from your friends at SPA 131
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Your Resolution Solution
It's that time again. Making resolutions. "I resolve to lose 35 pounds." I resolve to eat turnips every day." "I resolve to compete in an Iron Man competition - - - no, three Iron Man competitions." Blah Blah Blah Why not simply resolve something fun, healthy and easy to actually do? Spa 131 has your resolution solution. Resolve to be healthier with regular visits with massage and skin care.
I just read an awesome European Study confirming what we already know to be true. This study proved that regular monthly spa visits, which, btw, are actually approved by European medicine and are a regular part of European lifestyle, lessened days loss from work, lessened overall illnesses, and shortened hospital stays. We know what massages do for us - stress relieving, muscle and body ache relief, lowers blood pressure, etc. The list goes on and on. Here is a terrific illustration on the life cycle of a facial treatment and how it benefits your skin.
In this January newsletter/blog, you'll find our January Offerings for a healthier you in 2015. The first is the offer of a Spa 131 Wellness Package. You may choose 5 one hour wellness treatments anytime throughout 2015 from the following list and get the 6th service FREE, for only $215.00.
Choose * Signature Facial * Signature Swedish Massage * Signature Hand and Foot Service.
Remember that you may schedule your services during our opening days/hours at anytime throughout 2015 with No Blackout Days. That makes each of these beneficial and stress-reducing, amazing 60 minute services available for a healthier and happier you for less than $50 each.
If you don't want to commit to six month's worth of services, We suggest that you begin 2015 with our REFRESH & RENEW package. Receive a cleansing and refreshing facial combined with a relaxing and renewing 60 minute massage for $115. This is a just right January treat to get the new year started off perfectly relaxed with glowing skin and an awesome outlook in the new year.
Ate too much rich and fatty foods over the Holidays? Drank a little much "Celebration?" Consider a detoxing herbal body wrap made with delicious Juniper, Peppermint and Rosemary Essential Oils. Your 60 minute treatment begins with a dry brush, then wrap your entire body in a heated envelope of the most heady fragrance of your herbal combination. Relax your body, mind and soul, while your spirit renews. Just what the folks at Spa 131 recommend to rid yourself of 2014 from the inside out. This service is a $120 value, featured to start the New Year for only $99.
Well that's it for this update. We surely hope to see a whole bunch of you in 2015. This past year has been phe·nom·e·nal
very remarkable; extraordinary. "Spa 131's services are phenomenal"
synonyms: remarkable, exceptional, extraordinary, amazing, astonishing, astounding, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable
Let us hear from you very soon and you may schedule your 2015 appointments by clicking on the treatment tab in our webpages, or by calling us at the Spa. Blessing to each of you, your family, your businesses and all you love!
Marci Delaney
Amy, Derek, and Moe
131 State Street, West Columbia, SC 29169
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Merry, Merry Quite Contrary - - -
I just realized that it is December 2nd and I haven't written my December newsletter blog. In four weeks we will be entering into a new year - - - already. Sheesh! How did THAT happen? I know, because I'm too busy. We are all too busy - stressed and busy. Too tired and busy. Too disconnected - or too wired - or too what ever . . . and busy. Time. To. Breathe. And THAT, my friends, is the topic of this newsletter blog and why I KNOW I can help.
People have often sought out beauty and spa professionals as a sort of "Therapy" forever! Everyone knows that a massage or facial is way cheaper than a professional therapy session. There is absolutely NO OTHER PLACE where you can relax, unplug and be treated and touched in a safe, nurturing and non-threatening/non-sexual way than your favorite spa.
Touch. Let's talk about it . . . or actually that lack of it. Technology has almost all but replaced our skin-to-skin human contact. Just think about it. Facebook, Instagram and Skype is the most likely way we engage with one another - even with our own family members. What has happened to hugs, pats on the back, and even those annoying old lady cheek pinches? We are isolated even though we may be in a crowded group. Stop what you are doing and think about it. In meetings, in restaurants, and even on our own couches we are tap, tap, taping away on our devices. This isn't new news. A trip to the spa may actually be last place we can go to experience the human touch - really physically connect with others and re-connect with our own true self. You're still in there. You're really a pretty awesome human. It's time you for you to be re-introduced.
December Offers (must book during the month - no extensions):
Body, Meet your Soul 90 Minute Massage (3-Rivers Hot River Rock) will be the same price as our regularly priced 60 minute. That is our Christmas Gift to you - a $25 savings.
Would you love and appreciate a TWO-FOR-ONE Microdermabrasion offer? Have one in December and another one in January.
Get your mani/pedi on afterwork all during December and get a gift of 10% off all EVENING - hour nail services.
Finally, since December is party time and we know you are swamped with invites, let our precious Kandace get your face dolled up for all those events. I'm delighted to have you meet and experience her amazing makeup skills. Face Time at the Makeup Bar with Kandace is $55, available after December 10th.
How to have a stress-free Christmas, including avoiding family arguments and sharing the workload. (Shared from:
Christmas is a time for merry-making and family get-togethers, but it can have its pressures too.
The family is stuck in the house, the kids are overexcited, there’s the tree to decorate, presents to buy and wrap, and food to cook.
It’s no wonder the festive feeling can fizzle out. There is evidence that Christmas puts a strain on families. Statistics show that January is the busiest month for divorce lawyers.
Make sure this Christmas doesn’t become a day to remember for all the wrong reasons. Follow these tips from Relate counsellor Christine Northam:
•If there have been any family rows during the year, resolve them. Tell the people you argued with that you're looking forward to seeing them. Ask if you can get together before Christmas to talk about whatever problem you had.
•Plan the day and share out the jobs that need to be done. Don't slave away for hours on your own and feel like people have taken advantage of you.
•Discuss your plans with others, including any children who will be there, so that you can listen to their ideas and wishes for the day. Then you can come up with a celebration which includes things that please everyone.
•Have a timetable for Christmas Day so that you don’t all sit around for hours doing nothing. Try to make sure you won't be spending a lot of time with a difficult person or someone you don’t get along with.
•Don’t drink too much. Drinking excessively is never a good idea. Find out more on safer drinking.
•Children can get overexcited, so plan a lovely long walk for a change of scene and some fresh air. Everybody will feel better and pleasantly tired instead of irritably tired.
Essential Oil Tip of the Month
Ylang Ylang
Sweet Melissa (yes, there really is a delightful EO named, Melissa)
I'm not going to give you a recipe for a relaxing essential oil formula because you can add, delete any of those above to make your own personalized relaxation formula. I have a friend that detests Lavender. I, personally, adore it. Some might find Melissa or Ylang Ylang unappealing. You may use any or all of these in the combination that you love. Here's how: mix together in a dark container. Add 10 drops into your bath water, soak and breathe in the relaxing aroma. You may add to a carrier oil (I prefer jojoba or coconut) and massage into your skin - or get up close and personal with your significant other with a lovely massage - see? Here's that touch thing again. You may also find some relaxation by applying directly to the bottoms of your feet at bedtime.
Lastly, let me remind you that a gift certificate from Spa 131 is always appreciated. Buy a $100 gift certificate during December and you'll get an additional gift certificate for a 30 minute massage - FREE. You can keep it for yourself or gift it to someone you know will appreciate the gift of touch. Come into the spa to buy, or, for your convenience, you may choose to make your Spa 131 gift purchase directly online and print at your own computer.
Merry Christmas to you all and I pray you'll take a minute to reflect on the true meaning. Show love to those you care about and not just with a wrapped gift with a bow. Give the gift of your time, the gift of your affection. We thank you for gift of yourself to us all year long. What we appreciate from you is when you share a referral to us to others. It's how we stay in business. Thank you, my friends.
See you soon? 803-251-9400
Marci Delaney
Amy Belle Isle
Monique Moss
Byron Kidder
Your SPA 131 Team
131 State Street * West Vista
People have often sought out beauty and spa professionals as a sort of "Therapy" forever! Everyone knows that a massage or facial is way cheaper than a professional therapy session. There is absolutely NO OTHER PLACE where you can relax, unplug and be treated and touched in a safe, nurturing and non-threatening/non-sexual way than your favorite spa.
Touch. Let's talk about it . . . or actually that lack of it. Technology has almost all but replaced our skin-to-skin human contact. Just think about it. Facebook, Instagram and Skype is the most likely way we engage with one another - even with our own family members. What has happened to hugs, pats on the back, and even those annoying old lady cheek pinches? We are isolated even though we may be in a crowded group. Stop what you are doing and think about it. In meetings, in restaurants, and even on our own couches we are tap, tap, taping away on our devices. This isn't new news. A trip to the spa may actually be last place we can go to experience the human touch - really physically connect with others and re-connect with our own true self. You're still in there. You're really a pretty awesome human. It's time you for you to be re-introduced.
December Offers (must book during the month - no extensions):
Body, Meet your Soul 90 Minute Massage (3-Rivers Hot River Rock) will be the same price as our regularly priced 60 minute. That is our Christmas Gift to you - a $25 savings.
Would you love and appreciate a TWO-FOR-ONE Microdermabrasion offer? Have one in December and another one in January.
Get your mani/pedi on afterwork all during December and get a gift of 10% off all EVENING - hour nail services.
Finally, since December is party time and we know you are swamped with invites, let our precious Kandace get your face dolled up for all those events. I'm delighted to have you meet and experience her amazing makeup skills. Face Time at the Makeup Bar with Kandace is $55, available after December 10th.
How to have a stress-free Christmas, including avoiding family arguments and sharing the workload. (Shared from:
Christmas is a time for merry-making and family get-togethers, but it can have its pressures too.
The family is stuck in the house, the kids are overexcited, there’s the tree to decorate, presents to buy and wrap, and food to cook.
It’s no wonder the festive feeling can fizzle out. There is evidence that Christmas puts a strain on families. Statistics show that January is the busiest month for divorce lawyers.
Make sure this Christmas doesn’t become a day to remember for all the wrong reasons. Follow these tips from Relate counsellor Christine Northam:
•If there have been any family rows during the year, resolve them. Tell the people you argued with that you're looking forward to seeing them. Ask if you can get together before Christmas to talk about whatever problem you had.
•Plan the day and share out the jobs that need to be done. Don't slave away for hours on your own and feel like people have taken advantage of you.
•Discuss your plans with others, including any children who will be there, so that you can listen to their ideas and wishes for the day. Then you can come up with a celebration which includes things that please everyone.
•Have a timetable for Christmas Day so that you don’t all sit around for hours doing nothing. Try to make sure you won't be spending a lot of time with a difficult person or someone you don’t get along with.
•Don’t drink too much. Drinking excessively is never a good idea. Find out more on safer drinking.
•Children can get overexcited, so plan a lovely long walk for a change of scene and some fresh air. Everybody will feel better and pleasantly tired instead of irritably tired.
Essential Oil Tip of the Month
Ylang Ylang
Sweet Melissa (yes, there really is a delightful EO named, Melissa)
I'm not going to give you a recipe for a relaxing essential oil formula because you can add, delete any of those above to make your own personalized relaxation formula. I have a friend that detests Lavender. I, personally, adore it. Some might find Melissa or Ylang Ylang unappealing. You may use any or all of these in the combination that you love. Here's how: mix together in a dark container. Add 10 drops into your bath water, soak and breathe in the relaxing aroma. You may add to a carrier oil (I prefer jojoba or coconut) and massage into your skin - or get up close and personal with your significant other with a lovely massage - see? Here's that touch thing again. You may also find some relaxation by applying directly to the bottoms of your feet at bedtime.
Lastly, let me remind you that a gift certificate from Spa 131 is always appreciated. Buy a $100 gift certificate during December and you'll get an additional gift certificate for a 30 minute massage - FREE. You can keep it for yourself or gift it to someone you know will appreciate the gift of touch. Come into the spa to buy, or, for your convenience, you may choose to make your Spa 131 gift purchase directly online and print at your own computer.
Merry Christmas to you all and I pray you'll take a minute to reflect on the true meaning. Show love to those you care about and not just with a wrapped gift with a bow. Give the gift of your time, the gift of your affection. We thank you for gift of yourself to us all year long. What we appreciate from you is when you share a referral to us to others. It's how we stay in business. Thank you, my friends.
See you soon? 803-251-9400
Marci Delaney
Amy Belle Isle
Monique Moss
Byron Kidder
Your SPA 131 Team
131 State Street * West Vista
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