Latest news, offers, healthy living tips and so much more from your friends at SPA 131
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Your Resolution Solution
It's that time again. Making resolutions. "I resolve to lose 35 pounds." I resolve to eat turnips every day." "I resolve to compete in an Iron Man competition - - - no, three Iron Man competitions." Blah Blah Blah Why not simply resolve something fun, healthy and easy to actually do? Spa 131 has your resolution solution. Resolve to be healthier with regular visits with massage and skin care.
I just read an awesome European Study confirming what we already know to be true. This study proved that regular monthly spa visits, which, btw, are actually approved by European medicine and are a regular part of European lifestyle, lessened days loss from work, lessened overall illnesses, and shortened hospital stays. We know what massages do for us - stress relieving, muscle and body ache relief, lowers blood pressure, etc. The list goes on and on. Here is a terrific illustration on the life cycle of a facial treatment and how it benefits your skin.
In this January newsletter/blog, you'll find our January Offerings for a healthier you in 2015. The first is the offer of a Spa 131 Wellness Package. You may choose 5 one hour wellness treatments anytime throughout 2015 from the following list and get the 6th service FREE, for only $215.00.
Choose * Signature Facial * Signature Swedish Massage * Signature Hand and Foot Service.
Remember that you may schedule your services during our opening days/hours at anytime throughout 2015 with No Blackout Days. That makes each of these beneficial and stress-reducing, amazing 60 minute services available for a healthier and happier you for less than $50 each.
If you don't want to commit to six month's worth of services, We suggest that you begin 2015 with our REFRESH & RENEW package. Receive a cleansing and refreshing facial combined with a relaxing and renewing 60 minute massage for $115. This is a just right January treat to get the new year started off perfectly relaxed with glowing skin and an awesome outlook in the new year.
Ate too much rich and fatty foods over the Holidays? Drank a little much "Celebration?" Consider a detoxing herbal body wrap made with delicious Juniper, Peppermint and Rosemary Essential Oils. Your 60 minute treatment begins with a dry brush, then wrap your entire body in a heated envelope of the most heady fragrance of your herbal combination. Relax your body, mind and soul, while your spirit renews. Just what the folks at Spa 131 recommend to rid yourself of 2014 from the inside out. This service is a $120 value, featured to start the New Year for only $99.
Well that's it for this update. We surely hope to see a whole bunch of you in 2015. This past year has been phe·nom·e·nal
very remarkable; extraordinary. "Spa 131's services are phenomenal"
synonyms: remarkable, exceptional, extraordinary, amazing, astonishing, astounding, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable
Let us hear from you very soon and you may schedule your 2015 appointments by clicking on the treatment tab in our webpages, or by calling us at the Spa. Blessing to each of you, your family, your businesses and all you love!
Marci Delaney
Amy, Derek, and Moe
131 State Street, West Columbia, SC 29169
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Merry, Merry Quite Contrary - - -
I just realized that it is December 2nd and I haven't written my December newsletter blog. In four weeks we will be entering into a new year - - - already. Sheesh! How did THAT happen? I know, because I'm too busy. We are all too busy - stressed and busy. Too tired and busy. Too disconnected - or too wired - or too what ever . . . and busy. Time. To. Breathe. And THAT, my friends, is the topic of this newsletter blog and why I KNOW I can help.
People have often sought out beauty and spa professionals as a sort of "Therapy" forever! Everyone knows that a massage or facial is way cheaper than a professional therapy session. There is absolutely NO OTHER PLACE where you can relax, unplug and be treated and touched in a safe, nurturing and non-threatening/non-sexual way than your favorite spa.
Touch. Let's talk about it . . . or actually that lack of it. Technology has almost all but replaced our skin-to-skin human contact. Just think about it. Facebook, Instagram and Skype is the most likely way we engage with one another - even with our own family members. What has happened to hugs, pats on the back, and even those annoying old lady cheek pinches? We are isolated even though we may be in a crowded group. Stop what you are doing and think about it. In meetings, in restaurants, and even on our own couches we are tap, tap, taping away on our devices. This isn't new news. A trip to the spa may actually be last place we can go to experience the human touch - really physically connect with others and re-connect with our own true self. You're still in there. You're really a pretty awesome human. It's time you for you to be re-introduced.
December Offers (must book during the month - no extensions):
Body, Meet your Soul 90 Minute Massage (3-Rivers Hot River Rock) will be the same price as our regularly priced 60 minute. That is our Christmas Gift to you - a $25 savings.
Would you love and appreciate a TWO-FOR-ONE Microdermabrasion offer? Have one in December and another one in January.
Get your mani/pedi on afterwork all during December and get a gift of 10% off all EVENING - hour nail services.
Finally, since December is party time and we know you are swamped with invites, let our precious Kandace get your face dolled up for all those events. I'm delighted to have you meet and experience her amazing makeup skills. Face Time at the Makeup Bar with Kandace is $55, available after December 10th.
How to have a stress-free Christmas, including avoiding family arguments and sharing the workload. (Shared from:
Christmas is a time for merry-making and family get-togethers, but it can have its pressures too.
The family is stuck in the house, the kids are overexcited, there’s the tree to decorate, presents to buy and wrap, and food to cook.
It’s no wonder the festive feeling can fizzle out. There is evidence that Christmas puts a strain on families. Statistics show that January is the busiest month for divorce lawyers.
Make sure this Christmas doesn’t become a day to remember for all the wrong reasons. Follow these tips from Relate counsellor Christine Northam:
•If there have been any family rows during the year, resolve them. Tell the people you argued with that you're looking forward to seeing them. Ask if you can get together before Christmas to talk about whatever problem you had.
•Plan the day and share out the jobs that need to be done. Don't slave away for hours on your own and feel like people have taken advantage of you.
•Discuss your plans with others, including any children who will be there, so that you can listen to their ideas and wishes for the day. Then you can come up with a celebration which includes things that please everyone.
•Have a timetable for Christmas Day so that you don’t all sit around for hours doing nothing. Try to make sure you won't be spending a lot of time with a difficult person or someone you don’t get along with.
•Don’t drink too much. Drinking excessively is never a good idea. Find out more on safer drinking.
•Children can get overexcited, so plan a lovely long walk for a change of scene and some fresh air. Everybody will feel better and pleasantly tired instead of irritably tired.
Essential Oil Tip of the Month
Ylang Ylang
Sweet Melissa (yes, there really is a delightful EO named, Melissa)
I'm not going to give you a recipe for a relaxing essential oil formula because you can add, delete any of those above to make your own personalized relaxation formula. I have a friend that detests Lavender. I, personally, adore it. Some might find Melissa or Ylang Ylang unappealing. You may use any or all of these in the combination that you love. Here's how: mix together in a dark container. Add 10 drops into your bath water, soak and breathe in the relaxing aroma. You may add to a carrier oil (I prefer jojoba or coconut) and massage into your skin - or get up close and personal with your significant other with a lovely massage - see? Here's that touch thing again. You may also find some relaxation by applying directly to the bottoms of your feet at bedtime.
Lastly, let me remind you that a gift certificate from Spa 131 is always appreciated. Buy a $100 gift certificate during December and you'll get an additional gift certificate for a 30 minute massage - FREE. You can keep it for yourself or gift it to someone you know will appreciate the gift of touch. Come into the spa to buy, or, for your convenience, you may choose to make your Spa 131 gift purchase directly online and print at your own computer.
Merry Christmas to you all and I pray you'll take a minute to reflect on the true meaning. Show love to those you care about and not just with a wrapped gift with a bow. Give the gift of your time, the gift of your affection. We thank you for gift of yourself to us all year long. What we appreciate from you is when you share a referral to us to others. It's how we stay in business. Thank you, my friends.
See you soon? 803-251-9400
Marci Delaney
Amy Belle Isle
Monique Moss
Byron Kidder
Your SPA 131 Team
131 State Street * West Vista
People have often sought out beauty and spa professionals as a sort of "Therapy" forever! Everyone knows that a massage or facial is way cheaper than a professional therapy session. There is absolutely NO OTHER PLACE where you can relax, unplug and be treated and touched in a safe, nurturing and non-threatening/non-sexual way than your favorite spa.
Touch. Let's talk about it . . . or actually that lack of it. Technology has almost all but replaced our skin-to-skin human contact. Just think about it. Facebook, Instagram and Skype is the most likely way we engage with one another - even with our own family members. What has happened to hugs, pats on the back, and even those annoying old lady cheek pinches? We are isolated even though we may be in a crowded group. Stop what you are doing and think about it. In meetings, in restaurants, and even on our own couches we are tap, tap, taping away on our devices. This isn't new news. A trip to the spa may actually be last place we can go to experience the human touch - really physically connect with others and re-connect with our own true self. You're still in there. You're really a pretty awesome human. It's time you for you to be re-introduced.
December Offers (must book during the month - no extensions):
Body, Meet your Soul 90 Minute Massage (3-Rivers Hot River Rock) will be the same price as our regularly priced 60 minute. That is our Christmas Gift to you - a $25 savings.
Would you love and appreciate a TWO-FOR-ONE Microdermabrasion offer? Have one in December and another one in January.
Get your mani/pedi on afterwork all during December and get a gift of 10% off all EVENING - hour nail services.
Finally, since December is party time and we know you are swamped with invites, let our precious Kandace get your face dolled up for all those events. I'm delighted to have you meet and experience her amazing makeup skills. Face Time at the Makeup Bar with Kandace is $55, available after December 10th.
How to have a stress-free Christmas, including avoiding family arguments and sharing the workload. (Shared from:
Christmas is a time for merry-making and family get-togethers, but it can have its pressures too.
The family is stuck in the house, the kids are overexcited, there’s the tree to decorate, presents to buy and wrap, and food to cook.
It’s no wonder the festive feeling can fizzle out. There is evidence that Christmas puts a strain on families. Statistics show that January is the busiest month for divorce lawyers.
Make sure this Christmas doesn’t become a day to remember for all the wrong reasons. Follow these tips from Relate counsellor Christine Northam:
•If there have been any family rows during the year, resolve them. Tell the people you argued with that you're looking forward to seeing them. Ask if you can get together before Christmas to talk about whatever problem you had.
•Plan the day and share out the jobs that need to be done. Don't slave away for hours on your own and feel like people have taken advantage of you.
•Discuss your plans with others, including any children who will be there, so that you can listen to their ideas and wishes for the day. Then you can come up with a celebration which includes things that please everyone.
•Have a timetable for Christmas Day so that you don’t all sit around for hours doing nothing. Try to make sure you won't be spending a lot of time with a difficult person or someone you don’t get along with.
•Don’t drink too much. Drinking excessively is never a good idea. Find out more on safer drinking.
•Children can get overexcited, so plan a lovely long walk for a change of scene and some fresh air. Everybody will feel better and pleasantly tired instead of irritably tired.
Essential Oil Tip of the Month
Ylang Ylang
Sweet Melissa (yes, there really is a delightful EO named, Melissa)
I'm not going to give you a recipe for a relaxing essential oil formula because you can add, delete any of those above to make your own personalized relaxation formula. I have a friend that detests Lavender. I, personally, adore it. Some might find Melissa or Ylang Ylang unappealing. You may use any or all of these in the combination that you love. Here's how: mix together in a dark container. Add 10 drops into your bath water, soak and breathe in the relaxing aroma. You may add to a carrier oil (I prefer jojoba or coconut) and massage into your skin - or get up close and personal with your significant other with a lovely massage - see? Here's that touch thing again. You may also find some relaxation by applying directly to the bottoms of your feet at bedtime.
Lastly, let me remind you that a gift certificate from Spa 131 is always appreciated. Buy a $100 gift certificate during December and you'll get an additional gift certificate for a 30 minute massage - FREE. You can keep it for yourself or gift it to someone you know will appreciate the gift of touch. Come into the spa to buy, or, for your convenience, you may choose to make your Spa 131 gift purchase directly online and print at your own computer.
Merry Christmas to you all and I pray you'll take a minute to reflect on the true meaning. Show love to those you care about and not just with a wrapped gift with a bow. Give the gift of your time, the gift of your affection. We thank you for gift of yourself to us all year long. What we appreciate from you is when you share a referral to us to others. It's how we stay in business. Thank you, my friends.
See you soon? 803-251-9400
Marci Delaney
Amy Belle Isle
Monique Moss
Byron Kidder
Your SPA 131 Team
131 State Street * West Vista
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Tis the Season for Thanksgiving
Where does the time go? How can it be that another year will soon come to an end? With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I encourage you to stop, breathe in deeply, look around, slowly exhale, and remember all that you have to be thankful for! It may sound contrived and trite, but I count my blessings each and every day. Really, I do! I've got a wonderful family, supportive friends, my health, a roof over my head, the BEST job in the universe. AND - I have YOU! The Spa 131 Team and I are committed to making The "SPA 131 Experience" the best it can be, and I am thankful to you, our loyal guests, for making us your choice for relaxation, renewal and refreshment. We all wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Are you HOLIDAY READY? Our final BOTOX AFTER HOURS of the year - and just in time to have you looking your spectacular best - will be Tuesday evening, November 11 from 5-7. Remember that it is "first come - first seen" in the privacy of my personal treatment room. Our guest is, John Newkirk, MD, who was just named BEST AESTHETIC PHYSICIAN in the Cayce-West Columbia Life Magazine. Dr. Newkirk will be providing Cosmetic Botox at $11 per unit, Juvederm Dermal Filler at $500 per vial and will have Lattisse available at $99 per kit. Reservations are required along with a $25 deposit. Give us a call at the Spa to let us know that you'll be joining us. Invite your BFF. You know that she'll be so glad that you did.
I am going to start adding ideas, suggestions, tips and with this issue, healthy recipes. This super easy Roasted Cauliflower idea may make even the pickiest eater enjoy a veggie on his/her plate.
You'll need 1 head of cauliflower, cut up
2-3 cloves of garlic, peeled and coarsely minced
Lemon juice from 1/2 a lemon
Course salt and freshly ground pepper
Optional Parmesan Cheese
Preheat oven to 400. Put the cut up cauliflower (you can also use Broccoli, Broccolini, Zucchini or Asparagus) in a single layer in an oven-proof baking dish. Toss in the fresh garlic. Sprinkle lemon juice over all and drizzle each piece with the olive Oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Be sure oven is up to temp before you place in oven. Cook 25-30 mins, or until the top of lightly brown. When "fork testing," tines should be able to easily pierce the veggies. Remove from oven and sprinkle generously with cheese, then dig in. Yum-Oh!
Essential Oil Tip of the Month
Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, author of Medical Aromatherapy, believes that essential oils, both through topical application and inhalation, can positively impact our immune system. Recommendation for using Eucalyptus, Bay Laurel, Lavender or Tea Tree Oils for immune support are:
#1 BEST - 10-25 drops in 1 ounce of carrier oil (Jojoba, Sesame, Grapeseed). Massage feet and cover with cotton socks before bed.
#2 Good - Add 8 drops to warm bath AFTER you are immersed, but better when mixed with carrier like a tsp of preferred oil, or even a tbsp. of appli cider vinegar.
#3 OK - put 1-3 drops on tissue or cotton pad and deeply inhale. Exhale and repeat.
We have so much to say THANK YOU for. Thank you for voting us Best Massage, Best Nails, and Best Airbrush Tanning in Cayce-West Columbia Life Magazine. That is just wonderful - we are delighted. Thank you for your support with our 2nd annual PAINT IT PINK PARTY. We were able to make a nice contribution to the Lexington Medical Foundation's Becky's Fund which buys wigs for Breast Cancer Patients PLUS makes funds available for ancillary needs a patient might have - such as helping with electric bills, phone bills, transportation and the like. Thank you for your continued support, encouragement, and referrals - we REALLY like referrals - a LOT!
Because we LOVE your referrals so much, for the 1st TWO WEEKS of November we are offering a BUY ONE, GET ONE Offer for you to use with a new SPA 131 referral. This is good for any hour service, during November. We won't be able to schedule any carry overs into December, though. Buy it and book it and show your friend exactly WHY you love us. Your friend will be happy. We will be delighted and YOU will be treated like ROYALTY.
Remember that Spa 131 is here for you and we thank you for loving us! Having said that, we are looking for some honest feedback on how we can better serve you. Here's an "Action Item" - - - take just a teensie weensie second to drop us a quick email advising us what you would like to be different and what you already enjoy at Spa 131. Send your reply to: All those responses will get a free gift just for letting us hear from you - and we thank you in advance!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Let's Talk About Nails
Fingernails. Toenails. We all have them - some look better than others. Some people are religious about their nail care and some people simply ignore them. Where do you fall? I would imagine that since you are reading this blog, you are probably fairly interested in healthy pretty hands and feet. Spa 131 is committed to providing the very best nail care anywhere around. We actually have a different approach to manicure and pedicure services than any other place in the Midlands. We don't believe that a manicure is only an emery board and a bottle of nail polish. Nor do we think a delicious mani/pedi should be reserved for special occasion. Between Owner, Marci Delaney, and Master Nail Tech, Monique Moss, we offer a total hand, foot and nail care program that goes way beyond masking problems.
We believe that artificial nails not only cover up problems, but cause damage to healthy nails!
< Our goal is to help our clients to have beautiful and healthy nails that are hydrated and alive! Need a consult to determine what program and/or regular nail care is best for you so that you'll be proud to show your fingers and toes? That's free! Yep! Come, let us see how we can best help you.
Not to totally freak you out or anything, but did you know that a trip to your local, neighborhood nail salon can turn into your worst nightmare? Eeeek!
Think about skin eating diseases and infections. While millions of people get manicures on a regular basis and don't every experience any issues, don't think that it could never happen to you. Nail salons that are not properly cleaned or didn't perform proper sanitization procedures, as well as inadequately trained technicians could be a veritable breeding ground for bacteria -Not actually a sweet place to relax and unwind.
Here's a link to a scary article written by Huffington Post - just to shed some light on this potential disaster.
But let's say you're an individual that's been wearing acrylics or other "glued on" pieces to your digits. Going au natural after acrylics or other stuff can be a challenge. Artificial nails - no matter how pretty they look - take a serious toll on the health and integrity of the nail bed. Most people experience quite a shock when their natural nails appear thin, brittle and constantly begin to split.
Understand that the chemicals involved in artificial nail application, including powders and gels, can cause damage to the underlying nail. Depending on how long one has been wearing the artificial nails and the health of the nails before beginning to wear the fakes, damage and health issues will absolutely vary from person to person.
The first step to regaining your nail's health is to remove the tips or acrylics. Be warned to never try to peel them off. Professional removal is always best, but you may soak them off at home. The acetone used to remove the acrylics is extremely drying, so bear in mind, to use this chemical with caution. Once the fakes are off, the nail bed may appear jagged, dry, and generally not very pretty. Remember that the natural nail has been suffocating and your natural nail growth has been stunted.
Taking Biotin (a B vitamin) orally has been shown to help build and maintain nail health. A 2007 report published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, scientists state that brittle nail syndrome may subside upon taking 2.5 mg of biotin in supplement form on a daily basis. I always feel like it works IF you have a deficiency. Biotin is found in many healthy diets, so you may not actually be deficient. Only a blood test could determine that. Biotin is found in foods like brewer's yeast, nutritional yeast, liver, cauliflower, salmon, bananas, carrots, egg yolks, sardines, legumes, and mushrooms. (Go eat your liver now . . . Oooooo Eeeeee!)
You will need to keep your nails trimmed down as they are getting healthy. Don't fret about length for a while. Gaining strength and building the thickness back up needs to be your goal right now. Don't worry . . . you'll get there.
Your nail professional knows what treatment products your nails may benefit from. Spa 131 uses a great nail repair treatment called IBX. Moe can tell you all about it. You may need additional ridge filler now, too. A good ridge filler does amazing things to help hide any unsightly torn or jagged ridges that you'll find after removing the artificial covering from your nails.
As silly as it sounds, you may actually be advised to avoid applying nail color for a while. Even though we use the healthiest nail polish (Zoya Nail Color is the ONLY nail polish approved by the Board of Obstetrics!) it is still a chemical product. The fewer the chemicals applied to your healing nails right now, the better it will be for them.
IF there is any evidence of infection or if you see that your nail is separated from the nail bed you'll need to see your doctor. While Moe is trained in her craft and is absolutely spectacular she is NOT a doctor and cannot treat a medical issue. This includes if she sees redness or inflammation (indicating a possible infection).
Finally, be patient while your nails heal. This is a process. You may need to adjust your expectations. No miracles here, however, once they have returned to a natural, healthy state you'll enjoy the new look. In addition, your new healthy nails will actually be easier and less expensive to maintain.
Any questions? Feel free to ask away. Between Moe and Marci, answers will come freely.
As usual, thank you for reading this post and we look forward to seeing you at Spa 131. Click on this link to schedule your next visit.
Marci Delaney
Spa 131
131 State Street
West Columbia, SC 29169
Sunday, March 23, 2014
I give a good facial massage. Well, actually, I have been told that I give an amazing facial massage. That's a main part of every facial in my treatment room. You might think, "Yeah? That's nice, but so what?" So what? Here's the so what part: Want younger, healthier, glowing complexion? Facial massage can firm, smooth and sculpt. That's what!
Everyone wants their skin to look healthy and young. There is no denying that massage of every kind improves the appearance of skin for a period of time after any treatment. The instant improvement is caused by increase of blood flow and, as a result, an increase in cellular oxygenation. We can all agree that massage is good for you at any age, but after about the age of 40, the benefits are even greater. This is the average age that skin begins to lose some firmness. Fine lines and wrinkles become an area of concern.
Let's talk about crows feet, laugh and smile lines. They are not the devil! We really can do something to minimize the appearance of those stinkers. There are two kinds of wrinkles that cause us concern - static and dynamic. Dynamic wrinkles are those caused by facial movement. For example squinting over and over contributes to crows feet. Static lines are the ones that get etched because of those dynamic movements. Get it?
So what to do about those guys? Well, Cosmetic Botox injections will relax those muscles so that they either won't form from dynamic movement or prevent them from getting deeper from dynamic movement. Now, facial massage is more subtle than Botox, but with regular facials it also relaxes those same muscles and even helps to decrease puffiness, as well. If you manipulate the facial muscles through massage, it increases the blood flow, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Lymphatic Massage (all that movement around your neck) causes toxins/impurities to move away from the skin. This causes lymphatic drainage - getting the "Yuckys" moving down from your face (think puffy eyes) and eventually leaving your body (through urination), essentially decongesting your skin.
When you're a young babe, your skin tissue is strong. As gravity takes over in our 40's and 50's, the integrity of our skin begins to breakdown, The collagen and elastin - fibers that hold all the layers of muscle, fat and skin all together - slows down production. Regular facial massage helps to increase the cellular production way down in the dermal layer and helps to keep all those layers healthy and in place. Muscles relax, circulation increases and you've got the appearance of that sought-after youthful glow.
After your facial massage,besides you becoming a limp noodle, your therapist will apply products to your skin. These topical products are now much better absorbed. Key ingredients in serums, creams, lotions are able to penetrate deeper giving you better and quicker results. You're really getting your moneys worth now.
The bottom line is this: You want results. When results are provided you will become a loyal believer in regular facials with an awesome facial massage. I take Gynormous pride in all services at Spa 131, however, my personal speciality is with facials and skin care. I challenge you to have one facial with me and see why. In addition, bear in mind that we have a relationship with Dr. John Newkirk, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Newkirk is a quarterly guest at the Spa to provide Cosmetic Botox and Juvederm Cosmetic Filler, all within the relaxing environment of our facility.
I welcome all comments to this blog. Why don't you become a subscriber and tell me what subjects would be of interest to you. I will take all suggestions seriously.
Book your next facial by clicking on our website ( and clicking on the TREATMENTS tab. I hope to see you soon!
Marci Delaney
Spa 131
131 State Street
West Columbia, SC 29169
Everyone wants their skin to look healthy and young. There is no denying that massage of every kind improves the appearance of skin for a period of time after any treatment. The instant improvement is caused by increase of blood flow and, as a result, an increase in cellular oxygenation. We can all agree that massage is good for you at any age, but after about the age of 40, the benefits are even greater. This is the average age that skin begins to lose some firmness. Fine lines and wrinkles become an area of concern.
Let's talk about crows feet, laugh and smile lines. They are not the devil! We really can do something to minimize the appearance of those stinkers. There are two kinds of wrinkles that cause us concern - static and dynamic. Dynamic wrinkles are those caused by facial movement. For example squinting over and over contributes to crows feet. Static lines are the ones that get etched because of those dynamic movements. Get it?
So what to do about those guys? Well, Cosmetic Botox injections will relax those muscles so that they either won't form from dynamic movement or prevent them from getting deeper from dynamic movement. Now, facial massage is more subtle than Botox, but with regular facials it also relaxes those same muscles and even helps to decrease puffiness, as well. If you manipulate the facial muscles through massage, it increases the blood flow, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Lymphatic Massage (all that movement around your neck) causes toxins/impurities to move away from the skin. This causes lymphatic drainage - getting the "Yuckys" moving down from your face (think puffy eyes) and eventually leaving your body (through urination), essentially decongesting your skin.
When you're a young babe, your skin tissue is strong. As gravity takes over in our 40's and 50's, the integrity of our skin begins to breakdown, The collagen and elastin - fibers that hold all the layers of muscle, fat and skin all together - slows down production. Regular facial massage helps to increase the cellular production way down in the dermal layer and helps to keep all those layers healthy and in place. Muscles relax, circulation increases and you've got the appearance of that sought-after youthful glow.
After your facial massage,besides you becoming a limp noodle, your therapist will apply products to your skin. These topical products are now much better absorbed. Key ingredients in serums, creams, lotions are able to penetrate deeper giving you better and quicker results. You're really getting your moneys worth now.
The bottom line is this: You want results. When results are provided you will become a loyal believer in regular facials with an awesome facial massage. I take Gynormous pride in all services at Spa 131, however, my personal speciality is with facials and skin care. I challenge you to have one facial with me and see why. In addition, bear in mind that we have a relationship with Dr. John Newkirk, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Newkirk is a quarterly guest at the Spa to provide Cosmetic Botox and Juvederm Cosmetic Filler, all within the relaxing environment of our facility.
I welcome all comments to this blog. Why don't you become a subscriber and tell me what subjects would be of interest to you. I will take all suggestions seriously.
Book your next facial by clicking on our website ( and clicking on the TREATMENTS tab. I hope to see you soon!
Marci Delaney
Spa 131
131 State Street
West Columbia, SC 29169
Thursday, January 23, 2014
It's c-c-c-cold again - so I think it is only appropriate to talk, 'HOT STONES' or How HOT STONES can benefit you in the cold winter months.
If you are looking for an excellent spa treatment to warm your bones during these cold days, a delicious hot stone massage may be just the answer. Hot stone massage is the use of smooth, heated stones during a relaxing massage session. The use of hot stones for enhancing a massage can actually be traced back over 3,000 years to China and in India - Ancient Chinese secret, as it were.
So what exactly are the stones good for? Your massage therapist will prepare the stones before your arrival by heating to the desired temperature. The stones used in professional massage are either river rocks or basalt stones - both are smooth to touch and excellent to glide across your cold, achy muscles and retain heat for a very long time. These stones are strategically places on specific points of the body, such as the spine, abdomen, neck, legs and/or hands. All along other heated stones are used in gentle strokes over other parts of your body. Lovely massage oils and maybe even additional essential oils are used for ease, hydration and relaxation. Don't worry about the stones being too hot - remember that they must be comfortable for the therapist to hold for your entire treatment in his/her own hands.
It is YOUR job to let your therapist know if anything is uncomfortable in any massage session. This is especially true of a Hot Stone Treatment. You must communicate if you feel the stones are too hot. Of course, after moving the hot stones across your body, your skin may very well become a little pink after completion. This isn't an indication of the stones being too warm, rather showing improved circulation - this is just what you need. Your muscles become warm and relaxed relieving tension all throughout your body. A Hot Stone Massage generally is scheduled in 90 relaxing minutes. Ahhh
My first experience with Hot Stone massage is kinda funny. It is VERY difficult for me to be able to "check out" and get totally relaxed. Hot Stones were just becoming mainstream at this particular time, and I thought, "OK, Why not? Let's try it." I climbed onto the massage table and the therapist began the service. I remember thinking, "Ehh. OK" The next thing I knew, I WOKE UP! WHAT? Really! I NEVER get THAT relaxed. So, this wound up tight, very intense chicky, slept through her entire first hot stone massage. Yes, it was THAT relaxing! Therapeutic? You bet!
Hot Stones can be a beneficial option in the massage room for many reasons. First is that it does allow for deep relaxation of the soft tissue without any significant pressure by the therapist. If you know the typical benefits of massage,(improved circulation, lymphatic drainage (toxic waste), pain relief, stress relief and an improvement in over all flexibility) you'll understand that hot stones only add to that. You should also be aware that there are certain issues that prevent you from being a good candidate for Hot Stones. These include high blood pressure, any open sores or lesions, and diabetes. If you are pregnant, congratulations. You'll have to return for hot stone massage after you deliver your little bundle of joy.
Oh, and finally, here's a great tip: Consider a couples hot stone session for a VERY BENEFICIAL evening!
To schedule your Hot Stone Massage with Latonya Dow, the World's BEST Massage Therapist - or at least the BEST Massage Therapist that I know - click on this link
Spa 131 is always working to improve our treatment menu, but there is no better option for right now, than an amazing Hot Stone Massage.
If you are looking for an excellent spa treatment to warm your bones during these cold days, a delicious hot stone massage may be just the answer. Hot stone massage is the use of smooth, heated stones during a relaxing massage session. The use of hot stones for enhancing a massage can actually be traced back over 3,000 years to China and in India - Ancient Chinese secret, as it were.
So what exactly are the stones good for? Your massage therapist will prepare the stones before your arrival by heating to the desired temperature. The stones used in professional massage are either river rocks or basalt stones - both are smooth to touch and excellent to glide across your cold, achy muscles and retain heat for a very long time. These stones are strategically places on specific points of the body, such as the spine, abdomen, neck, legs and/or hands. All along other heated stones are used in gentle strokes over other parts of your body. Lovely massage oils and maybe even additional essential oils are used for ease, hydration and relaxation. Don't worry about the stones being too hot - remember that they must be comfortable for the therapist to hold for your entire treatment in his/her own hands.
It is YOUR job to let your therapist know if anything is uncomfortable in any massage session. This is especially true of a Hot Stone Treatment. You must communicate if you feel the stones are too hot. Of course, after moving the hot stones across your body, your skin may very well become a little pink after completion. This isn't an indication of the stones being too warm, rather showing improved circulation - this is just what you need. Your muscles become warm and relaxed relieving tension all throughout your body. A Hot Stone Massage generally is scheduled in 90 relaxing minutes. Ahhh
My first experience with Hot Stone massage is kinda funny. It is VERY difficult for me to be able to "check out" and get totally relaxed. Hot Stones were just becoming mainstream at this particular time, and I thought, "OK, Why not? Let's try it." I climbed onto the massage table and the therapist began the service. I remember thinking, "Ehh. OK" The next thing I knew, I WOKE UP! WHAT? Really! I NEVER get THAT relaxed. So, this wound up tight, very intense chicky, slept through her entire first hot stone massage. Yes, it was THAT relaxing! Therapeutic? You bet!
Hot Stones can be a beneficial option in the massage room for many reasons. First is that it does allow for deep relaxation of the soft tissue without any significant pressure by the therapist. If you know the typical benefits of massage,(improved circulation, lymphatic drainage (toxic waste), pain relief, stress relief and an improvement in over all flexibility) you'll understand that hot stones only add to that. You should also be aware that there are certain issues that prevent you from being a good candidate for Hot Stones. These include high blood pressure, any open sores or lesions, and diabetes. If you are pregnant, congratulations. You'll have to return for hot stone massage after you deliver your little bundle of joy.
Oh, and finally, here's a great tip: Consider a couples hot stone session for a VERY BENEFICIAL evening!
To schedule your Hot Stone Massage with Latonya Dow, the World's BEST Massage Therapist - or at least the BEST Massage Therapist that I know - click on this link
Spa 131 is always working to improve our treatment menu, but there is no better option for right now, than an amazing Hot Stone Massage.
Monday, January 13, 2014
As IF you need an excuse . . . Here are a few reasons WHY you should get a winter massage:
1) DRY SKIN - Ugh! The biggest winter issue for many of us. Massage is proven to improve skin's hydration . . . that's a guarantee. We use amazing oils, creams, and lotions that contain high amounts of vitamins and nature's hydrators. Massage therapy improves circulation, allowing your skin to absorbs these essential vitamins, leaving your epidermis nourished, refreshed and hydrated. Not only will the outside be radiant, but you'll get your happy from the inside out.
2) IMMUNITY BOOSTER. It's cold and flu season. Did you know that a professional massage is a proved immune booster? Look it up, friends. Google will affirm it. How? Massage therapy increases the lymphatic drainage - our lymph system is the sewer system of our amazing bodies. Enough said.
3) CIRCULATION. I said it above, but massage helps to improve circulation, by enhancing the flow of book and oxygen. Notice cold hands and feet? Notice joints not moving quite as they should? That boils down to a circulation issue, caused by colder temps. This is a "no-brainer" but consider adding hot stones. Oh Baby!
4) WINTER BLUES. Are you one that feels the angst of winter time, also known as S.A.D or Seasonal Affective Disorder? My husband gets really out of sorts when he can't get outside for his normal activities like golf and tennis. Some actually fall into a winter depression. Let us help with that. Massage is proven to improve warmth and provide an overall improvement in well-being. Massage therapy causes our body to release serotonin and endorphins - the "happy hormones." 5) OUTDOOR WORK? Yuck. Well, no matter. Massage really will help after hard physical work. Let us work on those tight shoulder muscles, your lower back, glutes, and forearms.
Simply said, Massage is just what your body is asking for, right now and always.
So, what are you waiting for? Book your 60 minute or and hour and a half massage by clicking this link:
2) IMMUNITY BOOSTER. It's cold and flu season. Did you know that a professional massage is a proved immune booster? Look it up, friends. Google will affirm it. How? Massage therapy increases the lymphatic drainage - our lymph system is the sewer system of our amazing bodies. Enough said.
3) CIRCULATION. I said it above, but massage helps to improve circulation, by enhancing the flow of book and oxygen. Notice cold hands and feet? Notice joints not moving quite as they should? That boils down to a circulation issue, caused by colder temps. This is a "no-brainer" but consider adding hot stones. Oh Baby!
4) WINTER BLUES. Are you one that feels the angst of winter time, also known as S.A.D or Seasonal Affective Disorder? My husband gets really out of sorts when he can't get outside for his normal activities like golf and tennis. Some actually fall into a winter depression. Let us help with that. Massage is proven to improve warmth and provide an overall improvement in well-being. Massage therapy causes our body to release serotonin and endorphins - the "happy hormones." 5) OUTDOOR WORK? Yuck. Well, no matter. Massage really will help after hard physical work. Let us work on those tight shoulder muscles, your lower back, glutes, and forearms.
Simply said, Massage is just what your body is asking for, right now and always.
So, what are you waiting for? Book your 60 minute or and hour and a half massage by clicking this link:
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